
你的位置:OpenOcean 中文站 > GAFI中文网 > #月圓圓缺雙色細戒-18K玫瑰金+白金色 ∣ CLA

#月圓圓缺雙色細戒-18K玫瑰金+白金色 ∣ CLA

发布日期:2025-01-04 14:08    点击次数:66
#SIZE GUIDE: ・#5 #6.5 #8 #9.5 #10.5 #12 >四款組合處寸請於下單時備註 For mutiple ring sizes please leave us a note #MATERIAL: ・925純銀電鍍玫瑰金+白金雙色 Rose And White 18K Gold Plated 925 Silver/Sterling Silver #NOTICE: ・每件商品皆附品牌包裝盒/絨布袋、拭銀布/擦拭布、保養卡一組  ・如需送禮用品牌提袋或卡片請下單備註(如需代寫小卡請備註內容)  ・為求環保我們會盡量將同筆訂單的多件飾品裝入一個大盒中,如需送禮或有特殊包裝需求麻煩您下單備註   ・For our environment, we will pack your orders in one big box. If you need independent packaging, please leave us a message. ・ Please leave us a message if you need a gift bag or card. Please let us know the content if you need us to write the card for you. #JEWELRY CARE: ・輕微氧化建議以拭銀布擦拭(每件 SLOW ROVER 售出銀飾皆附贈拭銀布一塊,請勿清洗拭銀布以免造成保養液流失) ・純銀染黑飾品基本上無需特殊保養,若覺得表面光澤變暗建議以拭銀布擦拭 ・若拭銀布無法清除氧化物可以使用市售洗銀水浸泡約5~10秒後取出飾品以大量清水沖洗乾淨後擦乾即可 ・前往溫泉區或有硫磺氣體之區域請避免佩帶銀飾 ・長時間不配戴建議以夾鏈袋收納避免氧化 *銀飾氧化變黑的速度與個人皮膚酸鹼值、使用習慣、生活環境都有一定程度的關係,不過純銀飾品的好處就是不管再怎麼黑都是可逆的,如果實在無法自行處理飾品氧化問題歡迎自付來回郵資寄送到工作室,我們提供免費銀飾保養服務 *染黑銀飾長時間配戴可能造成染黑部分磨損顏色變淡,如需補染歡迎聯繫客服自付來回郵資寄送到工作室,我們提供免費保養與補染服務   ・Use a silver polishing cloth that comes with every purchase to shine up the jewellery. (The polishing cloth should never be laundered since that will remove the polishers impregnated within it.) ・ If the jewellery is hard to clean with the silver polishing cloth, we suggest using silver polishing liquid to clean it up. (Dip the silver jewellery in the solution for about 5~10 sec and wash it with clean water.) ・Please don't clean the oxidised silver jewellery with the silver polishing liquid. Clean it gently with a silver polishing cloth if necessary. ・We suggest keeping the jewellery in a jewellery box or airtight ziplock bag to prevent tarnish when not wearing it.   *請於訂單內備註戒圍尺寸,戒圍量法可參考商品圖 *Please leave us a message about your ring size in order.You can view the image of ring size guide to know which size of the ring should you wear. *單一設計品牌訂單商品將會由設計師品牌館獨立出貨,等待時間約3~7個工作天,客製化商品約10個工作天 *Arrives in 3~7 workdays after shipping notification / Customize products arrives in 10 workdays *飾品屬貼身用品不提供退貨服務 Unreturnable Made in Taiwan

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